1.杭州G20峰会 Hangzhou G20 Summit
The 2016 Hangzhou G20 summit was the eleventh meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20). It was held on 4-5 September 2016 in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang. It was the first ever G20 summit to be hosted in China and the second in an Asian country after 2010 G20 Seoul summit was hosted in South Korea.
G20:The Group of 20
summit:meeting between the heads of two or more governments, esp of the world's most powerful countries n.最高级会议
2.L型经济 L-shaped economy
China's economy is now moving along the horizontal stroke of the "L", that is, the medium-high rate of growth.
shape:outer form or appearance n.形状;give a shape or form to sth v.成型
economy:operation and management of a country's money supply, trade and industry. n.经济
3.网络直播 Live Webcast
A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand.
live:transmitted while actually happening, not recorded or edited adj.现场的
webcast: broadcast over the Internet 网播
4.股市熔断 circuit breaker mechanism
circuit:apparatus with a sequence of conductors, valves, etc, through which an electric current flows 电器装置
mechanism:method or procedure for getting things done 机制、装置、方法
5.VR Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) typically refers to computer technologies that use software to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment (or create an imaginary setting), and simulate a user's physical presence in this environment.
virtual:being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such in name or officially adj. 实质上的, 事实上的, 实际上的
reality:all that is real; the real world, as contrasted with ideals and illusions 现实
6.北京瘫 Beijing-esque slouching
-esque:in the style or manner of ...的风格;...的方式
slouch:stand, sit or move in a lazy way, often not quite upright 无精打采地立、 坐或行动
“北京瘫”是一种坐姿,网络语,形容北京孩子没坐相儿 。“北京瘫”源自大张伟在某节目中自称北京孩子没坐相儿。按照大张伟说出的北京人特性,网友找出了娱乐圈中的“京城四瘫”,分别是大张伟、鹿晗、易烊千玺、张一山 。现在“瘫”词义得到了引申,逐步演变成放松的、毫无拘束的体现。
7.电信诈骗 Telemarketing scams
telemarketing:the use of the telephone as an interactive medium for promotion and sales n. 电话销售,电话推销
scam:dishonest scheme 骗局; 欺诈
电信诈骗是指犯罪分子通过电话、网络和短信方式,编造虚假信息,设置骗局,对受害人实施远程、非接触式诈骗,诱使受害人给犯罪分子打款或转账的犯罪行为。 2016年12月20日,最高法等三部门发布《关于办理电信网络诈骗等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》再度明确,利用电信网络技术手段实施诈骗,诈骗公私财物价值3000元以上的可判刑,诈骗公私财物价值50万元以上的,最高可判无期徒刑。
8.诗与远方 The poem and the Distance
poem:piece of creative writing inverse, esp one expressing deep feelings or noble thoughts in beautiful language, written with the intention of communicating an experience 诗; 韵文
distance:space between two points or places 距离; 间距
一般人所谓的“苟且”,无非是现实中的自己。而“诗和远方”,那才是理想的生活。实际上,现实生活难免重复,或单调枯燥,或充满压力。想象虽然美妙诱人,但要想落地,仍不免回归日常,柴米油盐。 美好的事物总是让人憧憬,就像诗和远方的田野,只是,它们更像空中楼阁,听着让人热血沸腾,却不能拿来当饭吃。在大多数时候,生活就是眼前的苟且,就是一地鸡毛;对于大多数人来说,只有真正经历过苟且的生活,才能体会诗和远方真正的价值 。
9.匠人精神 craftsmanship
craftsmanship:skilled workmanship 技艺; 手艺
10.吃瓜群众 spectator
They are onlookers who are unaware of the facts, the public who are kept in the dark, the spectators.
spectator:person who watches (esp a show or game) 观看者
”吃瓜群众“是一个网络用语。在网络论坛中,人们发帖讨论问题,后面往往有一堆人排队跟帖,或发表意见,或不着边际地闲扯。2016年,有人将“不发言只围观”的普通网民称为“吃瓜群众”。人们频频以“吃瓜群众”自嘲或互嘲,用来表示一种不关己事、不发表意见仅围观的状态。 2016年12月14日,入选《咬文嚼字》杂志社发布的“2016年十大流行语”。